Thursday, May 24, 2012

"The Girl in the Steel Corset" by Kady Cross

The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, #1)

I have had this book for a while now, but I don't really know why I never got to reading it before. However, now that I'm about to read book two of the series I thought it quite appropriate to begin with this one first.
Kady Cross is not an author I know, in fact, I think this may very well be her debut novel. Still, she managed to create a realistic enough world in a historic time, where technology isn't that uncommon.

I haven't really enjoyed steampunk novels before, but I believe it was more due to the books themselves, than having anything to do with the genre. In fact, I could say that I enjoyed "The girl in the steel corset" quite a lot. The story was original as far as I can tell, though at times I was reminded of Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices' world. The characters were a bit shallow in places, but that was sort of corrected later on..

What really made this book work for me was Emily's quick mind and her inventiveness. Sadly, she wasn't the main heroine. Finley Jayne, who was supposed to be the leading female didn't really strike me as someone insanely special. So she had a split personality- big deal. And she was insanely strong, but I didn't really care about her. The only two characters who spoke to me were Emily Nd the notorious underground criminal Jack Dandy. They seemed to have the most life in them and without their presence this story wouldn't turn out half as good.

On the other hand, there were also things that disappointed me a little. Like the foolishness of Sam, who entrusted himself in a man he didn't really know; and that the main romance never really progressed. I didn't like how naive the characters seemed at times. Especially in the end...

I liked the writing and story telling style though. It got me plunged in the story straight from the beginning.Which is why I give it

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