Thursday, November 15, 2012

"The Paladin Prophesy" by Mark Frost

The Paladin Prophecy (The Paladin Prophecy, #1)

NOTE: I received this book upon request from Netgalley.

I absolutely loved this book. While I was reading it, I felt the same excitement and anticipation I usually feel when reading Harry Potter, so that must say a lot. The story, I think, was unique and captivating, and the storytelling was done masterfully.

To be honest, I had a completely different notion on this book before I sat down to read it. For one, I thought it would be a high fantasy novel (paladin, duh!), and two, I believed it would be a story of magic. It was neither. Sure, it had paranormal elements, but nothing of the fantasy sort, and there was absolutely no magic.

But, there was a very high level of technology implementation, which I think totally rocked! The author's imagination is absolutely fantastic, and I will be definitely waiting to read the second installment of this series.

Also, there was this incredible list of rules mentioned throughout the novel, which the main character was supposed to follow. Those rules ranged from paranoid to hilarious and I totally loved them!

Now a bit about the characters.

*Will West, the main character (though I don't actually remember if he was telling the story or if it was a third person POV) was this super smart kid, who scored waaaaaaaay above the average on an IQ test. And he hadn't even tried. Unfortunately, that score drew the wrong (and also the right) kind of attention, and a bunch of men in black suits started following him with the clear intent to dispose of him. So Will had no other choice but to run. Except that he wasn't completely going to safety.
Through it all though, he remained unfazed, strong and brave. I really and truly loved him as much as I love Harry Potter.

*AJay was a tech wiz, who knew everything and could do anything with a bunch of wires and some micro chips.

*Nick was a dude with mad skills in any sort of martial arts one can think of.

*Elise was this amazing, even if brooding, girl with a brain and skills of her own. (Loved her, by the way)

*Brooke, for now, seems to be nothing special. But since Will has a thing for her, I suppose next book would reveal her skills. I sure do hope so.

In conclusion, the only thing I can say is that I fully recommend you read this book. You'll enjoy it, I promise.

My rating is

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